
Breaking: Sci High Goes Virtual

By T. Evans

Friday morning, August 20th, there were rumors of Sci High switching from in person classes to virtual learning for the next 2 weeks. To some, the thought was a relief. However, to the majority, this was a frustrating revelation. Later in the day when the news was confirmed, students worried about their ability to learn virtually in the home environment. Many expressed concerns about their inability to focus or feel productive in comparison to the stability tangible, in-person classes provided. 

To those who had been following the news, this decision wasn’t so surprising. In fact most students expected it, especially with Covid cases rapidly increasing and new vaccination policies in the process of being mandated. Sooner or later going virtual, even for a short period of time, would have happened either way. With multiple students and staff missing classes and work due to quarantine and the risk of contracting Covid-19 stressing out not only students and parents, but also teachers and staff, a change was needed. 

Many worried immediately about the extension of the current virtual learning period. While such a move is certainly possible, the city seems to be moving in different directions. According to Blake Paterson of The Advocate, New Orleans has started requiring face coverings, proof of vaccination cards or a negative test all within the last week. These measures may help to mitigate the need for virtual learning. In addition, on Monday of this week, the Covid-19 vaccination was said to be newly approved by the FDA.

Despite near universal agreement that virtual classes aren’t as effective when it comes to learning, it is likely the best choice on the table in regards to the safety of the school population.

Categories: Covid-19, News, School News

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